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The International Spiritual Warfare
It's A Good Day To War!
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The author has found many persons who know the Savior died for their sins, but are not sure of going to heaven. Salvation and deliverance are needed to set them free. When her in-laws moved to Mexico, she began learning Spanish to witness there. She includes a prophecy for the Spanish Jews, tells why she uses the name Yeshua, and why she keeps the Biblical feasts and Sabbaths. In the Spanish and Expanded Second Edition, find more deliverance and spiritual warfare against powers that come against families and nations, deliverance lists that were valuable for her marriage, and lists for overcoming fear and unforgiveness. Persons seeking freedom from traumas and pastoral and professional counselors recommend this book. Luke 23:28. Expanded Second Edition: Know You Have Eternal Life. Get Deliverance from Curses and Traumas! 1 John 5:13 Mark 16:17 Saber que Tienes Vida Eterna ¡Obtén Liberación de Maldiciones y Traumas! 1 Juan 5:13 Marcos 16:17 givingyeshua.com has a link to my books on Amazon.com, or order from the author. givingyeshua@gmail.com Ruth S Olson PO Box 22161 Denver, CO 80222